ВДНХ. Online workshop on the Economics of Education (Part 1)

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Наука 18+

An informal and friendly discussion of our recent research on the economics of education and its implications for the labor market.


Организатор: Liudmila Galiullina (Maastricht University)

Язык: English

Модератор: Trudie Schils (Maastricht University)


  • Mariana Tavares (Maastricht University). What took you so long? Question response time and student characteristics
  • Guanyi Yang (St. Lawrence University). Best Time for College? Quantitative Evaluation of Life-cycle Higher Education Choices and Sources of Labor Income Inequality
  • Liudmila Galiullina (Maastricht University). Grading effects on student effort: the role of targets, beliefs, and explanatory styles
  • Xuan Jiang (Ohio State University). A Second Chance at Success? Effects of College Grade Forgiveness Policies on Student Outcomes
  • Jérémy Hervelin (CREST-ENSAE). Apprenticeship and Youth Unemployment
  • Bart K. de Koning (Maastricht University). Correcting Erroneous Beliefs about Job Opportunities and Wages: a Field Experiment on Education Choices
  • Md Nazmul Ahsan (Saint Louis University). Social Promotion and Learning Outcomes: Evidence from India
  • Per Bles (Maastricht University). Types of Tracking and Educational Success in the Netherlands


1538 дней назад
20 ноября 2020 18:00–20:00

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