• 9 апреля 2019, вторник
  • Санкт-Петербург, Шпалерная ул., д. 1

Corruption: Conceptualization and Measures

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Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге
2137 дней назад
с 18:00 9 апреля до 20:00 18 апреля 2019
Шпалерная ул., д. 1

Corruption is a multi-faceted phenomenon that in the course of history has received different definitions, some of them rather narrow, like those equating it with bribe-taking, and some of a more general nature and often possessing strong moral undertones, as when the concept is applied to a social body, social class, and even historical era. Such ambiguity of meaning contributes in explaining why measuring corruption is difficult. This series of lectures held on April 9th, 11th, and 16th at the European University at St. Petersburg seeks to organize our thoughts on the phenomenon of corruption as a whole, and to propose a conceptualization of corruption – both illegal and legal. Professor Lucio Picci will ponder whether corruption should not be seen as a perversion of governance, but as one of its constituent characteristic and, sometimes, as one of its instruments – albeit, one which is very damaging to society as a whole. The lecture is open to the general public.

Lucio Picci (Ph.D., University of California at San Diego) is a full professor of Economics at the University of Bologna, Italy. Dr. Picci has worked for international organizations, such as the European Commission and the World Bank, and for various administrations in the Italian government, including the Prime Minister’s Office. He is currently collaborating with the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority on a project aimed at assessing the risk of corruption. His research work has been published in American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Research Policy, Review of Economics and Statistics, and World Bank Economic Review. His book Reputation-based Governance (Stanford University Press, 2011) proposes a model of public governance based on strong reputation-based incentives. His latest book (with Alberto Vannucci; in Italian) is titled “Zen and the Art of Fighting Corruption”.


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